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Community Activities - Luasanne to welcome

Published on 2024/12/06
Published by HayleyPette
Viewed by 8 people
229.00 $

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Around 10 000 Swiss in Luasanne to welcome their legends Big welcome for Online Betting the big players of the tennis game, as Stan Wawrinka and Roger Federer were welcomed in their home country, in the Lausanne town, Online Betting by 10 000 Swiss. Their win against France caused Switzerland to organize an event like this, when their two national heroes Roger and Stan returned from Lille, France, where the Davis Cup was held. Federer and Wawrinka, along the other team members of the Switzerland tennis team, were welcome with a great party at the official reception, where they talked to the media and cheered with the crowd.


United States
Guntzelstrasse 46

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