Community Activities - Snoop Dogg ‘facing lawsuit' after mocking Instagram post

Published on 2024/10/29
Published by Gordon24L46
Viewed by 6 people
58.00 $

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Snoop Dogg is 'facing a lawsuit' after posting a picture mocking the appearance of a gay man on Instagram - but the rapper's followers have pointed out that the pair look alike.

Snoop posted a picture of carer Cortez Booze on the social media site on Saturday along with the words: 'Whose auntcle is this?'

Since the post was made, Mr Booze has faced a torrent of abuse online, with people calling him a 'shemale', 'confused', and 'ugly'.

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'Whose auntcle is this?' Snoop Dogg posted a picture on Instagram of carer Cortez Booze, ceria bokep korea pedofilia who then received torrents of abuse

Dozens of people commented on the post, which was liked by more than 39,000 people.

One Instagram user said: 'That shemale ain't gone win. U get wat u get if u choose to dress how u dress. Consequences for your choices so use some common sense.


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