Community Activities - Nervous About Introducing Your New Baby To The Fur-Baby You Already Have At Home?

Published on 2024/10/14
Published by LinwoodDool
Viewed by 17 people
247.00 $

Description of item

This is the second New Moon in Gemini. The first one was on May 20 at 0*. That Gemini New Moon was also the first Solar Eclipse in 2012. Additionally, this New Moon is at 29* and is greatly strengthened by several factors. For instance, gid=0 ( the New Moon peaks just 32 hours before summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and winter solstice in the Southern. Solstices act as energetic gateways, allowing a greater influx of stellar radiation as the axial tilt of the Earth comes to a gravitational stand still for three days.

New If we don't surrender to God, we surrender to something else-moods, circumstances, fear, or our own self-concerns. If we do, we will be disillusioned.


United States
78 Quai Des Belges

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