Community Activities - Rob Konrad survived

Published on 2024/11/22
Published by LashundaLon
Viewed by 9 people
102.00 $

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There are some things in life that you cannot imagine that will happen. You can’t tell when you will fall in love, when you will have your first kiss. You cannot tell if your point will decide a match, Jackpot Bet Online but most certainly you can’t tell if you will be part of a boat accident in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. That’s what happened to Rob Konrad after he decided to go for fishing alone in the Atlantic Ocean. These trips that he did there were not so rare, he would often go fishing and jump in the Ocean few times for refreshing swim.

But this time he did something not so smart, and not that he should brag about. He left the boat on Auto pilot and forgot to bring down the stairs that are needed for you to get on the boat, jumped in the water and he didn’t have a way to get back on the boat. The autopilot continued to move forward, and Rob Konrad was unable to catch the boat.


United States
Alpenstrasse 34

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