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Community Activities - Review On The Escort 8500 Radar Detector

Published on 2024/05/27
Published by Royce328140
Viewed by 22 people
22.00 $

Description of item

Escort is known for superb engineering and leading performance in radar detectors. The 8500x50 is no exemption. It is a great detector for it's' price, and can also serve the needs virtually any average user.

The Passport 9500 ix also uses GPS dissatisfaction with the fourth clever approach. GPS technology is used to measure your speed. Quicker you go, the greater the range for this unit's radar detection is set to. This means, the Bingol Escort unit always a person with plenty of warning and time to slow directly.

Our conning bridge was open to the elements - a cost-saving arrangement but damned uncomfortable for sailors required to stand duty correct. The bridge parapet was 65 feet above the water line, all of us were taking waves in the bridge.


United States
8 Exning Road

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