Community Activities - World News Today

Published on 2024/12/22
Published by DennisAuj96
Viewed by 5 people
85.00 $

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The 2023-24 NBA season is entering its final stretch and News Today the 2024 NBA Playoffs are on the horizon. As close as the postseason may be, there is still plenty to be sorted out in the standings.In the Eastern Conference, the Celtics appear to be running away with the No. 1 seed but that is the only certainty with less than six weeks remaining in the season. After Boston, News Today everyone else is jockeying for position, with a few interesting races forming in the middle of the pack.The Western Conference's battle for the top seed is headlined by a trio of teams as the Timberwolves, Thunder and defending champion Nuggets each have an equal shot to finish first.

The Clippers aren't far behind and have also established a healthy lead over teams in the West's Play-In Tournament picture, which sees six teams looking to fight for the last two guaranteed playoff spots.


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