Community Activities - Why Some Folks Virtually Always Make/Save Cash With 24 Weeks From Today

Published on 2024/12/24
Published by CoyP8881825
Viewed by 16 people
53.00 $

Description of item

A lovely Bianchi "Centenario" celebrates the one centesimal anniversary of the venerable brand with a celeste on chrome color scheme (verify the tyres and the sew-on leather-based bar tape and pump grips), what day is 9 months ago as well as the brand 18months from today new C-Record gruppo. This can be a random ad for something I can not even work out, but I like the Géminiani frame, as effectively as the neat elements and accessories. A beautiful Bruce Gordon festooned with the black ano/22k gold Campagnolo 50th Anniversary Gruppo proven earlier, in addition to a black anodised freewheel, black Cinelli handlebar and stem, and black "enamelled" spokes!

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United States
57 Place Maurice-Charretier

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