Community Activities - United on their knees

Published on 2025/01/30
Published by DianaSuttor
Viewed by 4 people
58.00 $

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United on their knees before the Saints There was not any saint to save Manchester United and Louis Van Gaal from the Saints themselves at Old Trafford, despite the 6 minutes added time in the second half of the match. The so called Red Devils failed to shoot a single ball towards Foster’s goal, Jackpot Bet Online and failed to extend their record of 10 matches unbeaten in the Premier League. The match played at old Trafford ended with single goal in David De Gea’s net after DusanTadic successfully shot the ball from around 12 yards and Jackpot Bet Online Bet Online brought silence to the full stadium.

In this match the Saints showed character as well as good teamwork, and finally after 21 years struggling to beat Manchester United at Old Trafford their long awaited wish and Jackpot Bet Online Bet Online dream became reality.


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