Community Activities - Organo Gold Mlm (There's Gold On Them There Mlm Hills, Organo!)

Published on 2024/11/02
Published by OttoLongo56
Viewed by 6 people
205.00 $

Description of item

Organo Gold focuses on products that promote good health, including healthy coffee. Furthermore, they carry tea, gourmet hot chocolate, soaps balms and products. Their claim to fame is the super herb ganoderma lucidem, which is infused in their entire gourmet beverages including black, mocha coffee, and latte espresso.

Wood ear mushroom is sufffering from a solid form and thick skin. Its texture is compared to jelly. Fresh mushrooms will be crunchy when cooked. Adding the mushrooms into a soup will surely give a unique texture and taste. The flavor of this fruiting body mushroom coffee is not as strong as other mushrooms such as oyster mushroom or shitake. This mushroom has just a little forest fragrance and earthy taste.

Diet Plus 62 Coffee - This is a high energy, fat loss gourmet coffee that enables you to stay work with. You can improve energy and lose weight, suppress urge for food and exercise longer.


United States
59 Pier Road

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