Community Activities - Jab could treat erectile dysfunction with a man's own blood

Published on 2025/01/20
Published by KurtisMcGol
Viewed by 14 people
111.00 $

Description of item

Giving a man a one-off jab of his own blood could be a new treatment for erectile dysfunction.

In a recent study, researchers gave the injection to men undergoing shockwave therapy - already used to help those with erectile dysfunction (ED) - and found it significantly increased its effectiveness. 

Six weeks after having the combination treatment, the men, 비아그라 복용방법 some of whom had had ED for up to 19 years, reported that their sexual ­performance scores almost ­doubled on average, compared with just 25 per cent for 비아그라 복용방법 those having only the shockwave ­therapy. 

ED is usually the result of blood ­vessels supplying the penis becoming ­narrowed, so there's insufficient blood flow to achieve an erection. This can occur as a result of ­cardiovascular disease or diabetes, for 비아그라 복용방법 example.


United States
Big Lake
Werkstrasse 32

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