Community Activities - How to maintain the LED transparent screen?

Published on 2024/12/26
Published by DottyNxy561
Viewed by 33 people
112.00 $

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In the process of using the LED Curtain for Outdoor Media Façade display, after a long time, the product will inevitably need to be maintained from time to time. Many people are very unfamiliar with the concept of LED transparent screens, so how to maintain LED transparent screens? In the process of daily maintenance of LED transparent screen, the following points should be paid attention to:
1. Keep the power supply stable, and the grounding protection is good. Try not to use it in harsh natural environments! (such as strong thunder and lightning weather);
2. Water, iron powder and other metal objects that are easy to conduct electricity are strictly prohibited in the screen. The transparent LED display should be placed in a low-dust environment as much as possible, large dust will affect the display effect, and too much dust will cause damage to the circuit;


United States
16 Newmarket Road

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