Community Activities - A Move To A New City Shouldn't Come Packaged With Stress

Published on 2024/10/14
Published by LinwoodDool
Viewed by 13 people
171.00 $

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A new HAM that is trying to get their first contact is just that, new. This is not a bad thing and contacts can be made most often by just changing frequencies to another repeater. SO to any new HAM operator the best advice is don't give up. Don't be shy. Keep trying and you will make that first QSO. Most HAM operators are very helpful and gid=0 ( will give great advice to help improve your communications. As a new HAM don't be concerned that you don't know everything there is to know about using your radio, your antenna, feed lines, or the phonetic alphabet. Station operators that have been on the air for a while will be glad to help, if they can't help they will refer you to some one who can.


United States
Ocean View
3654 Callison Lane

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